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2598-Assistant Medical Examiner

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Assistant Medical Examiner

Job classification

TitleAssistant Medical Examiner
Overtime eligibility Exempt (Z) - No Paid Overtime
Labor agreement Physician/Dentists 8-CC, UAPD
Effective dateAugust 17, 2012

Current compensation plan

Effective: Jan 04, 2025

See Historic and future compensation information for this class

Step: Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Step 5 Step 6 Step 7 Step 8
Rate /hr: $135.8625 $142.6375 $149.7875 $157.2375 $165.1250 $173.3750 $182.0500 $191.2000
Rate /biweekly: $10,869.00 $11,411.00 $11,983.00 $12,579.00 $13,210.00 $13,870.00 $14,564.00 $15,296.00
Rate /year: $282,594 $296,686 $311,558 $327,054 $343,460 $360,620 $378,664 $397,696

Job description




Business Unit: COMMN

Definition: Under the administrative, legal and medical supervision and direction of the Chief Medical Examiner, incumbents in this class perform difficult and specialized professional medical work in the field of forensic medicine, which requires advanced and specialized education, training and experience. Incumbents in this class serve as an Assistant Medical Examiner in accordance with state law.

Distinguishing Features: The duties of the class involve the evaluation of injuries and evidence in the living and the medico-legal investigation of death. As such, the Assistant Medical Examiner is distinguished from other medical specialties by the required specific training and experience and board certification in the subspecialty of forensic pathology. This class is distinguished from class 2584 Chief Medical Examiner in that the latter class is designated by the State of California as the legal authority for medico-legal investigations in the county and is responsible for directing the activities of the department.

Supervision Exercised: May supervise Medical Examiner's Investigators, residents or fellows during scene investigations. May supervise Forensic Autopsy Technicians during the medico-legal autopsy and Medical Examiner's Investigators during the continued investigation of a case.

Examples of Important and Essential Duties: According to the Civil Service Commission Rule 109, the duties specified below are representative of the range of duties assigned to this job class and are not intended to be an inclusive list.

1. In accordance with California Penal Code Section 830.35, the Medical Examiner and his investigators are peace officers. California Government Code 27530 states that in the absence of the Medical Examiner, his investigators may discharge the duties of his office. Therefore, the Assistant Medical Examiner, acting under the authority of the Chief Medical Examiner, legally represents and acts for him in his absence.

2. Utilizing the principles of Forensic Medicine, Criminalistics and the Forensic Sciences, and in accordance with recognized professional and legal standards, examines living or deceased individuals either at the scene or at other facilities for the purpose of determining the timing, nature, and age of injuries; interprets, documents and collects evidence potentially appropriate to criminal proceedings; performs forensic autopsies; examines tissues removed during those procedures in the preparation of microscopic reports along with the appropriate interpretations of the pathologic and toxicology data necessary to determine the cause of death. Ensures that all assigned staff are compliant with blood borne pathogen regulations, biohazard, injury and illness prevention safety standards and forensic safety requirements.

3. Performs forensic autopsies in accordance with the standards of the National Association of Medical Examiners and the policies of the San Francisco Medical Examiner's Office; examines tissue and evidence recovered at autopsy; aids the Chief Medical Examiner in the determination of the cause, circumstances and manner of death, as required by law. Maintains knowledge of current professional standards related to the performance of forensic autopsies and the interpretation of findings by review of forensic journals, professional training and conferences.

4. Reviews detailed and complex medical records, x-rays and photographs for the purpose of interpreting the medical data as it relates to the legal issues of a particular case.

5. Confers with, and at the direction and approval of the Chief Medical Examiner, dictates medical findings and

prepares the official and legal case records of the Medical Examiner's Office, as required by law, based upon

their observations, interpretations and professional judgement.


Business Unit: COMMN

6. Functions as part of the investigating team, conferring with law enforcement officers, Assistant District Attorneys, Assistant Public Defenders, and other investigators regarding the interpretation and significance of their findings; reconstructs or works with other investigator members of the team; represents the Medical Examiner's Office in interpreting the evidence and explaining the interpretation and mechanisms of injuries in courts of law through testimony as an expert witness.

7. May testify at a Medical Examiner's Inquest as to findings, and assists the Chief Medical Examiner in the determination of the manner of death.

8. Subject to the direction of the Chief Medical Examiner, supervises and trains medical students, pathology residents and pathology fellows or physicians in related training programs, in the principles of forensic medicine. This training includes, but is not limited to, the interrelations and functions of the forensic team investigation of potentially criminal cases. The training may include the recognition, documentation, collection and interpretation of evidence from living or deceased individuals. The theory and practice of interpreting injuries, sudden unexpected death, environmental or work related injuries and the effects of drugs of legal interest are included in their responsibilities.

9. Directs toxicology, pathology and other analysis requests to the appropriate laboratories. Interprets the laboratory results of these and other laboratories for the purpose of diagnosing the cause of death.

10. In the absence of the Chief Medical examiner, supervises the work of the Forensic Autopsy Technicians and the Medical Examiner's Investigators at scenes or at the forensic autopsy. Reviews and monitors their work and safety practices for compliance with the legal, professional and published department standards.

11. Maintains knowledge of the current legal and professional safety standards, ensures compliance with the published safety regulations of the Medical Examiners Office, including those requirements for working with and diagnosing potentially communicable diseases or biohazards; complies with state and federal laws pertaining to notification of the Chief Medical Examiner of any suspected biohazard or communicable disease. Assists the Chief Medical Examiner in the notification of the Department of Public Health, other law enforcement or first responder agencies, and other regulatory agencies.

12. Performs related duties as required or directed.

Job Related and Essential Qualifications:

Knowledge of: federal, state and local laws and regulations governing the operations of the Medical Examiner's Office; professional standards, such as those promulgated by the National Association of Medical Examiners (N.A.M.E.), for the practice of forensic medicine; procedures and techniques of scene investigation, recognition, documentation and collection of trace evidence; medico-legal techniques necessary to determine the cause, circumstances and manner of death, as required by law; procedures and techniques utilized in forensic medicine, including the medico-legal autopsy, the collection of evidence for forensic toxicology and/or DNA testing; methods and procedures for the interpretation of forensic toxicology and laboratory results, and interpretation of histology and clinical chemistry results, especially as associated with the cause and time of death; biohazard and blood borne pathogen standards applicable to forensic medicine, as well as other safety procedures necessary for the safe performance of forensic examinations; procedures and practices related to the gathering of forensic evidence, its processing and correct storage and the performance of forensic autopsies.

Skill and Ability to: examine an injured child or adult and recognize abused individuals; examine victims and suspects for signs of injuries and/or intoxication, document those injuries, collect biological or physical evidence, and interpret injuries as to age, cause, and the degree of force necessary to effect those injuries; recognize those factors that contribute to or alter injuries; maintain the standards of the San Francisco Medical Examiner's Office and the National Association of Medical Examiners; communicate effectively a reconstruction or interpretation of the scene and evidence, the medico-legal autopsy, investigative and observational findings in writing and verbally; testify clearly and concisely at public hearings, courts of law, and before the Grand jury in a professional, neutral, and convincing manner; review and evaluate medical records and related investigative reports; prepare clear, concise and effective written report or communications; speak in a clear and understandable manner appropriate to the understanding of an audience or jury; listen and effectively elicit information; set task priorities and coordinate the work schedule of the Forensic Autopsy Technicians in a logical and productive manner; train and monitor the


Business Unit: COMMN

performance of staff, fellows and/or physicians in the safe performance of legal medicine and forensic autopsies; use a computer to access and input information as well as to prepare written documents and reports of their examinations and findings.

Experience and Training Guidelines:

Graduation from an approved medical school with possession of an M.D. or D.O. (Doctor of Osteopathy) degree, or the United States accepted equivalent; AND

Satisfactory completion of a residency program approved by the Council for Graduate Medical Education in pathology with possession of or eligibility to sit for the examination for board certification in anatomic and/or clinical pathology and the subspecialty of forensic pathology.


Possession of a valid license as a Physician and Surgeon issued by the California State Board of Medical Examiners.

Possession of or eligibility to sit for the examination in the subspecialty of forensic pathology issued by the American Board of Pathology. If the candidate does not already possess board certification in anatomic and or clinical pathology that has been issued by the American Board of Pathology, s/he must obtain board certification in the primary board certification within two years of employment and in forensic pathology within three years of employment. With the loss of eligibility to sit for the specialty examination, the individual would be considered no longer qualified for the position of assistant medical examiner.

All appointees must possess and maintain a valid California Driver License, class C or higher.

Other Legal Requirements: In accordance with Section 830.35 of the Penal Code, incumbents in this class are legal deputies to the Chief Medical Examiner, and are therefore peace officers Applicants must qualify for peace officer status as set forth in State of California Government Code sections 1031, and must pass a peace officer's background investigation prior to appointment.

Special Requirements: Nature of duties may require sustained physical effort involving manual skill and dexterity, physical ability to lift dead bodies and remove them from the scene of death, and 24-hour "on call" availability to respond to scenes of sudden death or injuries. Work environments may entail exposure to accidental, physical, chemical and/or biological health hazards; unpleasant odors or conditions; frequent exposure to sudden, unexpected and sometimes violent deaths; and exposure to disagreeable elements or situations inherent in this specialized field.

NOTE: This class is exempt from Civil Service appointment under Section 10.104.13 of the City Charter.

Effective Date: 2/20/01

Standard information

Disaster service work

All City and County of San Francisco employees are designated Disaster Service Workers through state and local law (California Government Code Section 3100-3109). Employment with the City requires the affirmation of a loyalty oath to this effect. Employees are required to complete all Disaster Service Worker-related training as assigned, and to return to work as ordered in the event of an emergency.

Historic and future compensation

Effective (Sched) Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Step 5 Step 6 Step 7 Step 8
Jan 04, 2025 (A) $135.8625 $142.6375 $149.7875 $157.2375 $165.1250 $173.3750 $182.0500 $191.2000
Jul 01, 2024 (Z) $133.8500 $140.5250 $147.5750 $154.9125 $162.6875 $170.8125 $179.3625 $188.3750
Jan 06, 2024 (Y) $131.8750 $138.4500 $145.4000 $152.6250 $160.2875 $168.2875 $176.7125 $185.5875
Jul 01, 2023 (X) $128.9750 $135.4000 $142.2000 $149.2625 $156.7625 $164.5875 $172.8250 $181.5000
Jul 01, 2022 (W) $125.8250 $132.1000 $138.7375 $145.6250 $152.9375 $160.5750 $168.6125 $177.0750
Jan 08, 2022 (V) $119.5500 $125.5125 $131.8125 $138.3625 $145.3125 $152.5625 $160.2000 $168.2375
Jul 01, 2021 (U) $118.9500 $124.8875 $131.1625 $137.6750 $144.5875 $151.8000 $159.4000 $167.4000
Dec 26, 2020 (T) $114.9125 $120.6500 $126.7125 $133.0000 $139.6750 $146.6500 $153.9875 $161.7125
Jul 01, 2020 (S) $111.5625 $117.1375 $123.0250 $129.1250 $135.6125 $142.3750 $149.5000 $157.0000

Historic compensation data is provided in hourly pay.

Sources: San Francisco Open Data Portal: Compensation plan table