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3634-Librarian III

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Librarian III

Job classification

TitleLibrarian III
Overtime eligibility Exempt (Z) - No Paid Overtime
Labor agreement SEIU, Local 1021, Misc
Effective dateMarch 17, 2021

Current compensation plan

Effective: Jan 04, 2025

See Historic and future compensation information for this class

Step: Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Step 5
Rate /hr: $58.7000 $61.6250 $64.6875 $67.9875 $71.3500
Rate /biweekly: $4,696.00 $4,930.00 $5,175.00 $5,439.00 $5,708.00
Rate /year: $122,096 $128,180 $134,550 $141,414 $148,408

Job description



Title: Librarian III

Job Code: 3634


Under direction, performs difficult and responsible librarian work; supervises the operation of a large branch library or department of the main library; supervises the activities of subordinate personnel; and performs related duties as required.

Requires responsibility for interpreting, enforcing and carrying out assigned duties within the framework of established library policy; making regular contact with the general public, outside organizations, and library personnel in connection with library activities and operations; and maintaining a continued awareness of current reading trends and literature.


The class of Librarian III differs from Librarian II in that this class supervises the operation of a large branch library or a department of the main library, and may also supervise a cluster of branch libraries. This class has responsibility for staff development, book selection in the area supervised; performing difficult, extensive and technical reference work; and exercising initiative, creativity and independent judgment in developing programs of community interest.


Supervises the operation of a large branch library or department of the main library; supervises the activities of subordinate personnel.


According to Civil Service Commission Rule 109, the duties specified below are representative of the range of duties assigned to this job code/class and are not intended to be an inclusive list.

1. Supervises the operation of a large branch library or a department of the main library; may be responsible for the supervision of a cluster of branch libraries.

2. Supervises and reviews the activities of subordinate personnel; assists subordinate personnel in resolving questions and problems related to library activities; interviews applicants for supportive positions.

3. Assists patrons in locating and using library facilities and materials; in selecting materials; and in answering a wide variety of questions.

4. Keeps branch or department collection current and useful by recommending or coordinating staff recommendations of library materials to be purchased, repaired or discarded; develops collection through personal knowledge of materials available; may act as a consultant in a special field.

5. Performs reference work, including that of a difficult and technical nature and requiring extensive searching and analyzing; performs research; prepares detailed bibliographies, book lists and other information.

6. Plans and carries out adult and community programs to meet community needs; visits and works with various adult and community groups to promote use of and interest in the library.

7. Supervises the processing and cataloging or ordering of library material and the activities of the personnel in these departments; determines best sources of supply for library material.

8. Plans and sets up displays and exhibits; maintains a pleasant and orderly atmosphere in the branch or department.

9. Writes reports; supervises the maintenance and/or preparation of various files and records; submits budget requests; may work on special projects.


Knowledge of: Modern library methods, procedures and techniques; library materials; knowledge of the role of the public library in the community.

Ability and Skill to: Work courteously and effectively with library patrons and outside organizations; evaluate a wide variety of library materials; educate, advise, and instruct others in the use of library materials and facilities; plan library programs and book selection to meet the needs of the community; speak and write effectively; prepare reports; and the ability to organize, supervise, coordinate and delegate.


These minimum qualifications establish the education, training, experience, special skills and/or license(s) which are required for employment in the classification. Please note, additional qualifications (i.e., special conditions) may apply to a particular position and will be stated on the exam/job announcement.


Possession of a Master's Degree in library and information studies (e.g. MLS/MLIS) from a college, university, or program accredited by the American Library Association.


Four (4) years of experience as a professional librarian, including at least two (2) years supervising other professional librarians.

License and Certification:



To : 3638 Chief Librarian

3640 Coordinator, Children's Library Activities

3642 Coordinator, Adult Library Services

From: 3632 Librarian II


AMENDED DATE: 9/29/10; 01/22/16

REASON FOR AMENDMENT To accurately reflect the current tasks, knowledge, skills and abilities defined in the most recent job analysis conducted for this job code.


Standard information

Disaster service work

All City and County of San Francisco employees are designated Disaster Service Workers through state and local law (California Government Code Section 3100-3109). Employment with the City requires the affirmation of a loyalty oath to this effect. Employees are required to complete all Disaster Service Worker-related training as assigned, and to return to work as ordered in the event of an emergency.

Historic and future compensation

Effective (Sched) Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Step 5
Jan 04, 2025 (A) $58.7000 $61.6250 $64.6875 $67.9875 $71.3500
Jul 01, 2024 (Z) $57.8375 $60.7125 $63.7375 $66.9875 $70.3000
Jan 06, 2024 (Y) $56.4250 $59.2375 $62.1875 $65.3500 $68.5875
Jul 01, 2023 (X) $55.1875 $57.9375 $60.8250 $63.9125 $67.0750
Jul 01, 2022 (W) $53.8375 $56.5250 $59.3375 $62.3500 $65.4375
Jan 08, 2022 (V) $51.1500 $53.7000 $56.3750 $59.2375 $62.1750
Jul 01, 2021 (U) $50.9000 $53.4375 $56.1000 $58.9375 $61.8625
Dec 26, 2020 (T) $49.1750 $51.6250 $54.2000 $56.9375 $59.7625
Jul 01, 2020 (S) $47.7375 $50.1250 $52.6250 $55.2750 $58.0250

Historic compensation data is provided in hourly pay.

Sources: San Francisco Open Data Portal: Compensation plan table