6270-Housing Inspector
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Housing Inspector
Job classification
Class | 6270 |
Title | Housing Inspector |
Overtime eligibility | Covered (Non-Z) - Nonexempt |
Labor agreement | Prof & Tech Eng, Local 21 |
Effective date | August 28, 2019 |
Current compensation plan
Effective: Jan 04, 2025
See Historic and future compensation information for this class
Step: | Step 1 | Step 2 | Step 3 | Step 4 | Step 5 |
Rate /hr: | $64.0625 | $67.2625 | $70.6875 | $74.1875 | $77.8875 |
Rate /biweekly: | $5,125.00 | $5,381.00 | $5,655.00 | $5,935.00 | $6,231.00 |
Rate /year: | $133,250 | $139,906 | $147,030 | $154,310 | $162,006 |
Job description
Title: Housing Inspector
Job Code: 6270
Under general supervision, performs housing inspection work in the enforcement of a variety of housing codes and related safety regulations. This is the journey level in the housing inspection series.
Class 6270 Housing Inspector is distinguished from Class 6272 Senior Housing Inspector in that the latter, is the first-level supervisor. The housing inspection series (6270 Housing Inspector, 6272 Senior Housing Inspector, and 6274 Chief Housing Inspector) differs from positions in other inspection classes (such as 6242 Plumbing Inspector, 6248 Electrical Inspector, 6318 Construction Inspector, and 6331 Building Inspector) by the former�s primary responsibility for housing code enforcement.
According to civil service commission rule 109, the duties specified below are representative of the range of duties assigned to this job code/class and are not intended to be an inclusive list.
1. Enforces the provisions of the San Francisco housing code, applicable administrative code, and other codes as they relate to the condition, structure, occupancy, use and maintenance of the city�s housing inventory; inspects apartment houses, residential and tourist hotels, motels, housing projects, dormitories, mobile vehicle parks, residential care homes and condominiums; processes and issues notices, infractions and misdemeanor citations for housing code violations as necessary; maintains and updates inspection findings and records, and handles housing code enforcement and public record requests.
2. Inspects for housing code violations in a systematic housing code enforcement program for multiple unit dwellings; determines substandard conditions as defined by the housing code; if necessary, may coordinate building, plumbing and electrical inspections; prepares detailed reports, logs and correspondence regarding inspection results, descriptions of the building and conditions, violations and hazards; determines nature and severity of violations and makes necessary referrals to other inspection groups and agencies; causes abatement orders or other orders for correction to be issued; and makes recommendations as required.
3. Evaluates and checks building permit applications and related plans that result from housing code enforcement activities to ensure conformance with the housing code; educates residential building owners, property managers, building occupants, community groups, and others on compliance and/or corrections needed to meet housing and related code requirements; provides preliminary estimated cost of housing code mandated work for determination of permit fees, and makes progress inspections and reports on permit work.
4. Works with City Attorney in obtaining inspection warrants and warning letters, testifies in court litigation involving housing, fire-safety, and sanitation; schedules noncomplying code enforcement cases to administrative hearings; and determines if State Franchise Tax Board is to be notified in cases of noncompliance.
5. Performs periodic health and safety inspections of residential buildings or identified sections as required by the systematic housing code enforcement requirements and when appropriate from occupant/community complaints, as well as identifying and eliminating life hazards and various housing code violations; investigates complaints regarding housing conditions, illegal occupancy, safety and related sanitation conditions; determines proper department, division, or City agency for complaint referral; enforces security ordinance, smoke and heat detector ordinance, lead paint safe practices ordinance, residential energy and water conservation ordinances, and residential hotel conversion ordinance; mediates disputes between property owners and complainants when possible to facilitate timely compliance; issues reports and conducts follow-up inspections leading to the correction of violations or abatement proceedings.
6. Develops statistical surveys and provides data regarding housing code enforcement as required; attends meetings and hearings, and makes presentations at board or commission hearings and other related events; helps codify, define and enforce new laws and ordinances as required; makes inspections for the Human Services Agency (HSA) master lease program for residential hotels as assigned.
7. Conducts special emergency investigations on matters relating to the preservation of the city�s housing inventory.
Knowledge of: field inspection methods and procedures; city ordinances, departmental rules and regulations pertaining to housing code enforcement and related housing standards; safe working practices and procedures.
Ability and Skill to: meet, coordinate and collaborate with the general public, building owners and managers, tenants, contractors, community groups, and others to obtain effective cooperation and understanding of requirements to improve the quality of the city housing inventory; prepare clear and concise written reports, notices and other correspondence; maintain detailed records; speak in a clear and effective manner; and use a computer.
These minimum qualifications establish the education, training, experience, special skills and/or license(s) which are required for employment in the classification. Please note, additional qualifications (i.e., special conditions) may apply to a particular position and will be stated on the exam/job announcement.
High school diploma or equivalent (GED or High School Proficiency Examination).
Two (2) years of inspection experience for a public or private agency charged with the authority to implement and enforce housing, building, fire, and/or health codes.
License and Certification:
Possession of a valid California driver license.
Two (2) years of experience performing site inspections and/or providing case management for housing preservation and/or violation abatement may substitute for the required experience on a year-for-year basis.
Two (2) years of experience responsible for building construction/inspection as a licensed building contractor, licensed architect, or licensed civil, structural (or related) engineer, or any combination thereof, may substitute for the required experience on a year-for-year basis.
Four (4) years of experience as a carpenter supervisor or superintendent, responsible for overseeing and inspecting building construction under the direction of a licensed contractor, architect, or engineer may substitute for up to two (2) years of the required experience.
Possession of a certificate in one of the related areas: Property Maintenance and Housing Inspector, Building Plans Examiner, Commercial or Residential Building Inspector, Commercial or Residential Plumbing Inspector, or Commercial or Residential Electrical Inspector issued by the International Code Council (ICC), may substitute for six (6) months of required experience.
Nature of work includes the ability to work in inclement weather, and in some cases to work evenings, weekends, holidays, and possible exposure to hazardous conditions found in and around damaged buildings, structures, and construction sites; and ability to move in and out of buildings and other related areas. These positions require the operation of a motor vehicle in order to visit inspection sites.
To: 6272 Senior Housing Inspector
AMENDED DATE: 01/18/1982; 02/08/13; 03/19/18; 08/28/19
REASON FOR AMENDMENT: To accurately reflect the current tasks, knowledge, skills & abilities, and minimum qualifications.
Standard information
Disaster service work
All City and County of San Francisco employees are designated Disaster Service Workers through state and local law (California Government Code Section 3100-3109). Employment with the City requires the affirmation of a loyalty oath to this effect. Employees are required to complete all Disaster Service Worker-related training as assigned, and to return to work as ordered in the event of an emergency.
Historic and future compensation
Effective (Sched) | Step 1 | Step 2 | Step 3 | Step 4 | Step 5 |
Jan 04, 2025 (A) | $64.0625 | $67.2625 | $70.6875 | $74.1875 | $77.8875 |
Jul 01, 2024 (Z) | $63.1125 | $66.2625 | $69.6375 | $73.0875 | $76.7375 |
Jan 06, 2024 (Y) | $61.5750 | $64.6500 | $67.9375 | $71.3000 | $74.8625 |
Jul 01, 2023 (X) | $60.2250 | $63.2250 | $66.4375 | $69.7250 | $73.2125 |
Jul 01, 2022 (W) | $58.7500 | $61.6875 | $64.8125 | $68.0250 | $71.4250 |
Jan 08, 2022 (V) | $55.8250 | $58.6125 | $61.5750 | $64.6375 | $67.8625 |
Jul 01, 2021 (U) | $55.5500 | $58.3250 | $61.2625 | $64.3125 | $67.5250 |
Dec 26, 2020 (T) | $53.6625 | $56.3500 | $59.1875 | $62.1250 | $65.2375 |
Jul 01, 2020 (S) | $52.1000 | $54.7125 | $57.4625 | $60.3125 | $63.3375 |
Historic compensation data is provided in hourly pay.
Sources: San Francisco Open Data Portal: Compensation plan table