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7244-Power System Supervisor I

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Power System Supervisor I

Job classification

TitlePower System Supervisor I
Overtime eligibility Covered (Non-Z) - Nonexempt
Labor agreement Electrical Workers, Local 6
Effective dateApril 18, 2022

Current compensation plan

Effective: Jan 04, 2025

See Historic and future compensation information for this class

Step: Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Step 5
Rate /hr: $58.8000 $61.7000 $64.8125 $68.0000 $71.4375
Rate /biweekly: $4,704.00 $4,936.00 $5,185.00 $5,440.00 $5,715.00
Rate /year: $122,304 $128,336 $134,810 $141,440 $148,590

Additional notes: Appointments to this job class enter at Step 5.

Job description



Title: Power System Supervisor I

Job Code: 7244


Under direction, supervises the maintenance, repair and operation of the SFMTA Power Control Center, Traction Power substations and machinery and equipment used in the conversion and distribution of electrical power and performs related duties as required.


The 7244 Power System Supervisor I is the second-level supervisor in the Power System Operator series and is responsible for the supervision of the 7365 Senior Power System Operators. The 7365 Senior Power System Operator is the first level supervisor of the 7364 Power System Operators and 7408 Assistant Power System Operators. The 7364 Power System Operator is responsible for the operation and maintenance of the electrical power conversion/generation and substation distribution systems that furnish electric power for the San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency.


Incumbents in this job code exercise supervision over 7365 Senior Power System Operators and other support personnel as required



According to Civil Service Commission Rule 409, the duties specified below are representative of the range of duties assigned to this job code/class and are not intended to be an inclusive list.

1. Inspects automatic, manual, hydroelectric and electric power system stations and substations to assure that generators, rectifiers, valves and related machinery and equipment operate properly in the generation and distribution of power.

2. Supervises the work of a subordinate group of operators engaged in the generation and distribution of power. This includes assisting employees at remote sites in the performance of duties.

3. Supervises staff in the maintenance of machinery and equipment used in the generation and distribution of power. This includes overseeing the monitoring of the Supervisory Control System (SCADA).

4. Prepares various critical and routine reports, records, meter readings and technical information needed in documenting the generation, distribution and consumption of power.

5. Interprets rules, regulations, policies and procedures related to the operation of powerhouse substations, machinery and equipment. This includes determining needs and preparing requisitions for materials, supplies and resources used in the power plant.

6. Acts for the powerhouse superintendent or as an emergency relief operator as needed.

7. Assists in the development and advancement of subordinates through training and effective use of employee development program.


Knowledge of: power plant operations and various electric concepts related to generators, rectifiers, and valves; operational procedures and the staffing needs required in a power plant; power plant machinery and equipment, generators, rectifiers, valves, and other related machinery and equipment utilized in operating a power plant or substation; electrical and electronic systems theories and concepts used in the operation of a power plant; safety procedures, rules and practices for working with various machinery, equipment and procedures utilized in a power plant or substation.

Ability or Skill to: effectively assign, delegate, monitor and coordinate the work of a staff of subordinates; effectively communicate in writing; prepare reports, letters, memos in a clear concise manner; communicate effectively in a clear, concise and effective manner when interacting with sub-ordinates, vendors, and other department representatives.


These minimum qualifications establish the education, training, experience, special skills and/or license(s) which are required for employment in the classification. Please note, additional qualifications (i.e., special conditions) may apply to a particular position and will be stated on the exam/job announcement.



Two (2) years of fulltime verifiable experience working as a Senior Power System Operator or in an equivalent job where the primary responsibility is the supervision of staff such as Power System Operators, Substation Operators, Substation Technicians, Electric Station Operators, Power Plant Operators, Load Dispatchers, Power System Dispatchers, Power Distribution Specialists or Electrical Power Production Specialists involved in the operation and maintenance of power generation equipment and/or centralized power control and distribution equipment in a Transit Motive Power Control Center.

License and Certification:

Possession of a valid Class C Driver License.



Nature of work requires occasional exposure to high noise levels and conditions where serious accidents or injuries may occur such as around large generators and substation units; an ability to differentiate colors; and working shifts, weekends, and holidays.


To: No normal line of promotion

From: 7365 Senior Power System Operator


AMENDED DATE: 2/19//2009; 8/28/2014; 04/18/2022


To accurately reflect the current tasks, knowledge, skills & abilities, and minimum qualifications.


Standard information

Disaster service work

All City and County of San Francisco employees are designated Disaster Service Workers through state and local law (California Government Code Section 3100-3109). Employment with the City requires the affirmation of a loyalty oath to this effect. Employees are required to complete all Disaster Service Worker-related training as assigned, and to return to work as ordered in the event of an emergency.

Historic and future compensation

Effective (Sched) Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Step 5
Jan 04, 2025 (A) $58.8000 $61.7000 $64.8125 $68.0000 $71.4375
Jul 01, 2024 (Z) $57.9250 $60.7875 $63.8500 $67.0000 $70.3875
Jan 06, 2024 (Y) $55.9625 $58.7375 $61.6875 $64.7375 $68.0125
Jul 01, 2023 (X) $54.7250 $57.4500 $60.3250 $63.3125 $66.5125
Jul 01, 2022 (W) $52.3625 $54.9750 $57.7250 $60.5875 $63.6500
Jan 08, 2022 (V) $48.8250 $51.2625 $53.8250 $56.4875 $59.3500
Jul 01, 2021 (U) $48.5875 $51.0125 $53.5625 $56.2125 $59.0500
Dec 26, 2020 (T) $46.1500 $48.4625 $50.8750 $53.4000 $56.0875
Jul 01, 2020 (S) $44.8000 $47.0500 $49.3875 $51.8500 $54.4500

Historic compensation data is provided in hourly pay.

Sources: San Francisco Open Data Portal: Compensation plan table