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7352-Apprentice Stationary Engineer, Water Treatment Plant II

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Apprentice Stationary Engineer, Water Treatment Plant II

Job classification

TitleApprentice Stationary Engineer, Water Treatment Plant II
Overtime eligibility Covered (Non-Z) - Nonexempt
Labor agreement Stationary Engineers, Local 39
Effective dateJuly 16, 2015

Current compensation plan

Effective: Jan 04, 2025

See Historic and future compensation information for this class

Step: Step 1 Step 2 Step 3
Rate /hr: $54.6375 $57.8625 $61.0875
Rate /biweekly: $4,371.00 $4,629.00 $4,887.00
Rate /year: $113,646 $120,354 $127,062

Job description



Title: Apprentice Stationary Engineer, Water Treatment Plant II

Job Code: 7352


Under immediate supervision, performs apprentice stationary engineer work as part of a recognized program established by the Joint Apprenticeship and Advisory Committee, Stationary Engineers' Trade; all work to be performed and related supplemental instruction are enumerated in the Apprenticeship Standards formulated by said Committee and are summarized in this specification; assists the Stationary Engineer in the operation and maintenance of a wide variety of complex machinery and equipment in a water treatment plant and performs related duties as required.


The 7352 Apprentice Stationary Engineer, Water Treatment Plant II works under the immediate supervision of a qualified journey level employee during the second half (or 5200-8320 hours) of the four year apprenticeship required by the trade, learning the operation, repair and maintenance of various machinery and equipment though diversified experience, on-the-job training and related instruction in order to become a fully skilled craftsperson and qualified for proper state certification in an appropriate grade of Water Treatment Certification as issued by the California State Health Department. Class 7352 Apprentice Stationary Engineer, Water Treatment Plant II is distinguished from the next higher class 7341 Stationary Engineer, Water Treatment in that the incumbents in the latter class perform full journey level duties under general supervision.



According to Civil Service Commission Rule 109, the duties specified below are representative of the range of duties assigned to this job code/class and are not intended to be an inclusive list.

1. Assists in operating automatic and manually controlled purification and water treatment equipment including pumps, motors, chemical feeders and filters.

2. Assists in performing water analysis to maintain proper quality and chemical dosage in a filtration plant; assists in performing control tests on water samples to determine chlorine residual, pH, alkalinity, turbidity, color, odor, saturation index and flocculation factors; maintain appropriate logs and reports.

3. Assists in the operation and maintenance of switching and controlling equipment, motor driven pumps, generators, motor, air compressors, ventilating fans, circuit breakers, elevators, condensate and sump pumps, water heating and pumping equipment and other equipment.

4. Assists with contacting and communicating and is required to deal with contractors, building tenants and/or the general public in order to be able to discharge assigned duties.

5. Assists in operating automatic and manually controlled purification and water treatment equipment including pumps, motors, chemical feeders and filters.

6. Assists in reading and interpreting meters, gauges and charts.

7. Assists with the maintenance of keys, communications equipment, and security (in the absence of Security Personnel), in order to ensure the security of a plant and buildings and grounds, including public safety. As part of an emergency response team, assists with recognizing, evaluating, and responding to potentially hazardous situation.


Ability to: learn the methods, tools and equipment used in the operation, maintenance and repair of a variety of mechanical and electrical pumping, heating, ventilating, water treatment and related plant machinery and equipment; establish effective working relationships with journey level stationary engineers and other apprentices; understand spoken instructions and verbally communicate work-related questions and information; read, write, understand and maintain routine records and reports and other work-related information regarding plant activities; operate motor vehicles with both automatic and manual automobile transmissions.


These minimum qualifications establish the education, training, experience, special skills and/or license(s) which are required for employment in the classification. Please note, additional qualifications (i.e., special conditions) may apply to a particular position and will be stated on the exam/job announcement.

Education and Training:

Applicants must be 18 years of age by the end of the filing period; And

Applicants must have either a High School Graduation Diploma, Graduation Equivalent Degree (G.E.D.), or California High School Proficiency Certificate; And

Applicant must be a current International Union of Operating Engineers, Stationary Engineers Local 39; 7339 Apprentice Eligible List; Or

Applicant must be a current indentured Stationary Engineer Apprentice with the Stationary Engineers Local 39 who has completed at least 4160 hours of their combined work process and classroom study as a Apprentice Stationary Engineer And

Successfully pass the City and County of San Francisco pre-employment drug test; And

License and Certification:

Possession of a valid California Driver License

Obtained the Water Treatment Certification as issued by the California State Health Department.


Special Requirement:

Upon being hired, the apprentice, the employer Department of Human Resources and the Joint Apprenticeship Committee must sign an apprenticeship indenture. This is an agreement with the employer City and the apprentice, which is filed with the State of California Department of Industrial Relations Division of Apprenticeship Standards, that the employer City will train the apprentice in accordance with the apprenticeship standards and the collective bargaining agreement or MOU.

Physical Skills require: considerable physical effort in the repair and upkeep of machinery and equipment; the ability to lift heavy objects; physical stamina to stand, stoop, bend and climb ladders and for confined space entry and tight crawl spaces.

Work environment may require: exposure to working conditions where minor abrasions, bruises and burns may be encountered; occasional disagreeable work inside close and dirty spaces.




REASON FOR AMENDMENT To accurately reflect the current tasks, knowledge, skills and abilities defined in the most recent job analysis conducted for this job code.


Standard information

Disaster service work

All City and County of San Francisco employees are designated Disaster Service Workers through state and local law (California Government Code Section 3100-3109). Employment with the City requires the affirmation of a loyalty oath to this effect. Employees are required to complete all Disaster Service Worker-related training as assigned, and to return to work as ordered in the event of an emergency.

Historic and future compensation

Effective (Sched) Step 1 Step 2 Step 3
Jan 04, 2025 (A) $54.6375 $57.8625 $61.0875
Jul 01, 2024 (Z) $53.8250 $57.0125 $60.1875
Jan 06, 2024 (Y) $52.9000 $56.0375 $59.1500
Jul 01, 2023 (X) $51.7375 $54.8000 $57.8500
Jul 01, 2022 (W) $50.4750 $53.4625 $56.4375
Jan 08, 2022 (V) $47.9625 $50.8000 $53.6250
Jul 01, 2021 (U) $47.7250 $50.5500 $53.3625
Dec 26, 2020 (T) $46.1000 $48.8375 $51.5500
Jul 01, 2020 (S) $44.7625 $47.4125 $50.0500

Historic compensation data is provided in hourly pay.

Sources: San Francisco Open Data Portal: Compensation plan table