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8201-School Crossing Guard

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School Crossing Guard

Job classification

TitleSchool Crossing Guard
Overtime eligibility Covered (Non-Z) - Nonexempt
Labor agreement SEIU Local 1021
Effective dateAugust 17, 2012

Current compensation plan

Effective: Jul 01, 2024

See Historic and future compensation information for this class

Step: Step 1 Step 2 Step 3
Rate /hr: $25.5750 $26.8500 $28.1875
Rate /biweekly: $2,046.00 $2,148.00 $2,255.00
Rate /year: $53,196 $55,848 $58,630

Job description




Under the general supervision of the Police Department and in co-operation with School District personnel, directs traffic at intersections where school children cross in going to and from school; escorts children through intersection when necessary; and performs related duties as required.

Requires responsibility for: following oral and written instructions in carrying out Police Department and School District regulations concerning both pedestrian and vehicular traffic in designated areas; continuous personal contact with school children, teachers, parents, motorists and with the general public; observing and reporting on unusual happenings pertaining to the welfare or safety of school children.


1. Controls traffic at designated intersections either by mechanical or hand signal in order to permit children and other pedestrians to cross the street in safety.

2. Controls children at intersections and restrains them from crossing until it is determined to be safe; when appropriate, escorts children through intersections.

3. Instructs children and parents as well as student crossing guard assistants in the elements of traffic safety.

4. Reports the license number of motor vehicles whose drivers disobey the crossing guard's instructions or disregard safety rules in other respects; reports to school principal the names of children disobeying the instructions given by crossing guard or student assistants.


Training and Experience: Requires completion of the eighth grade, supplemented by work experience which indicates that applicants will be able to perform the duties of school crossing guard in a satisfactory manner,

Knowledge, Abilities and Skills: Requires a good knowledge of: traffic laws especially those relating to pedestrian right-of-way, speed limits in various districts especially in a school-crossing area and the elements of traffic safety both those applying to motorists and pedestrians.

Requires the ability to: establish and maintain respect and obedience of school children; to regulate the flow of vehicular traffic at school crossing intersections for maximum safety of children and other pedestrians and with minimum inconvenience to motorists; to cooperate in the performance of duties with Police Department personnel and with teachers, principals, and parents.


To: No normal lines of promotion

From: Positions exempt from examination

ADOPTED: 6/2/66

Standard information

Disaster service work

All City and County of San Francisco employees are designated Disaster Service Workers through state and local law (California Government Code Section 3100-3109). Employment with the City requires the affirmation of a loyalty oath to this effect. Employees are required to complete all Disaster Service Worker-related training as assigned, and to return to work as ordered in the event of an emergency.

Historic and future compensation

Effective (Sched) Step 1 Step 2 Step 3
Jul 01, 2024 (Z) $25.5750 $26.8500 $28.1875
Jan 06, 2024 (Y) $25.2000
Jul 01, 2023 (X) $24.6500
Jul 01, 2022 (W) $24.0500
Jan 08, 2022 (V) $22.8500
Jul 01, 2021 (U) $22.7375
Dec 26, 2020 (T) $21.9625
Jul 01, 2020 (S) $21.3250

Historic compensation data is provided in hourly pay.

Sources: San Francisco Open Data Portal: Compensation plan table